
  • Carmen Teodora Popa Faculty of Law, Department of Law University of Oradea, Oradea



This article discusses the general principles of legal regulation of inheritance of the Civil code in force and their comparison with those prevailing in Muslim law. The Muslim law of inheritance ab intestat -the only “legal one” because really the Muslim law is not recognized in “testamentary succession”- it produces awe to the one who discovers. Its technique, but mostly the principles with which they are at the base and the spirit that it animates (it might not be without regard for the sacred), constitute difficulties for lawyer largely influenced by French law. More than in any other system of law, we need to look in history, not so much due to tracking descendants, about which we know quite a bit, as well as with the purpose to avoid countermeasures meanings in terms of the spirit that animates this right.


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Law no. 84-11 of June 9th 1984 related to the Algerian family code)

Legea succesorală siriană, iordaniană, kuweitiană, marocană- sinteză (sintesis of the Succession law in Syria, Jordan, Kuweit, Maroco)

Egyptian succession law no. 77/1943.)




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