
  • Florentina Nina MocănaÅŸu Faculty of Law, Journalism, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Hyperion University, 90-92 Popa-Nan St., Bucharest, Romania



stereotypes, discrimination, change of roles, complexity of genders, transformation


On analyzing the society we live in, we can say that transition from industrial to
modern and postmodern society up to now has led to a change of the roles well established by
our society, namely women perform men’s tasks and they get jobs which seem specific to
them, and men start to develop furthermore this side of relationing which is basically specific
to women. The household issues are solved by both life partners and within organizational
environment women have begun to occupy important executive positions. However, there are
specific stereotypes including at the level of these changes.
Stereotype analysis draws our attention to interpretations which might devalue
individuals or create a negative context without allowing any possibility to exploit certain
potentials of individuals. However it is necessary to recognize the complementarity between
the two genders. Stereotypes are more and more underlined in the Romanian society as they
keep on perpetuating. The emergence of these stereotypes owes basically to changes occurred
within society.
This study seeks to show the way these transformations aim the individuals’ lifestyle
and how these stereotypes coordinate our entire existence. There are opinions and
discriminations within a society in relation to personalities of individuals which are part of a
certain social category and we learn the most of them from the ones around us and depending
on them we guide ourselves when meeting people. Stereotypes are harmful in their meaning
and they hurt us by prejudice and discrimination.

Author Biography

Florentina Nina MocănaÅŸu, Faculty of Law, Journalism, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Hyperion University, 90-92 Popa-Nan St., Bucharest, Romania

Correspondence: Florentina Nina MocănaÅŸu, Hyperion University, Bucharest, Romania




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