
  • Ramona-Gabriela Paraschiv “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest, Romania



sovereignty, international law, human rights, international protection of the human rights, subsidiarity


Promoting human rights at an international level implies state cooperation for
establishing agreements concerning the improvement of measures which are imposed in this
field, as well as adopting certain conventions related to the new dimensions of rights or even
with the new human rights.
Human rights represent an extraordinarily complex branch of law, which embodies
both internal order as well as international order, defining and adding up a set of rights,
liberties and obligations of people- some against the other, of the states to defend and
promote these rights, of the entire international community to survey the observance of those
rights and liberties in each country — which permits the intervention by means of public
international law in those situations in which these right would have normally been breached
in a certain state. Thus, the principle of state sovereignty may not be opposed to the necessity
of protecting human rights, in order to justify to the international community the infringement
of these rights inside states

Author Biography

Ramona-Gabriela Paraschiv, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest, Romania

Faculty of Law


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