adoption, effects, the adoptee's name, the adoptee's residence, the adoptee's citizenship.Abstract
The act of granting an adoption produces two main types of effects. The first type ofeffect creates a bond of filiation between the adopter and the adoptee, as well as family bonds
between the adoptee and the adopter's relatives. The second type of effect erases the natural
relation between the adoptee and the former parents but also between the adoptee's
descendants on one side and the adoptee's natural relatives on the other
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*** New Romanian Civil Code.
*** Law 273/2004 on the legal status of adoption, republished in 2012 in the Official
Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 259 from 19 April 2012.
*** The European Convention on the Adoption of Children, revised and ratified by
Law 138/2011 published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 515 from 21 July