
  • Elena-Ana Nechita AGORA University Oradea
  • Nicolaie Iancu Agora University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania



investigation, forensic science, family, crime


The authors intended the first part of the article to present considerations on the moral
and legal rules that provide for the rights and obligations of participants in family
relationships. An analysis of acts constituting offences in light of the New Romanian Criminal
Code will be provided.
Part two will include the presentation of activities specific to criminal investigations
where acts are committed that meet the elements of offences against the family, activities such
as: the crime scene investigation, the hearing of people with different standings in the case,
forensic and psychiatric expertises, reconstructions, searches.

Author Biographies

Elena-Ana Nechita, AGORA University Oradea

Law and Economics Faculty, Social Sciences Department

Nicolaie Iancu, Agora University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania

Law and Economics Faculty, Social Sciences Department


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