
  • Valentina Chiper (Mihalcea) University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania



freedom of expression, civil liability, criminal liability


The terms ‘freedom’ and ‘liability’ are polysemantic and bear multi-valent meanings
according to the field.
Civil or criminal liability, through the interdictions it brings, sets the border between
the legal or illegal discourse. The guilt defined by criminal and civil crimes transfers a set of
obligations to the communicator1. Terms like ‘excess’ or ‘abuse’ of the freedom of expression
is another way to define it.
We shall try hereinafter to answer the question whether it is better to regulate and
engage the civil liability or criminal liability in relation to the freedom of expression.

Author Biography

Valentina Chiper (Mihalcea), University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania

Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences


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