
  • Cristian Jura “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest, Romania, AGORA University Oradea




Kosovo, Yugoslavia, Kosovo-Metohia, Army of Liberation of Kosovo, NATO


The Kosovo region was always the “cause of fight” between Serbians and Albanians,
Kosovo becoming a long source of hate between the two populations. The Serbians
considered Kosovo the “Saint Land”, some kind of Jerusalem. They provided historical
arguments as well: they were saying that the territory of Kosovo province was situated in the
centre of their medieval empire; on this territory were the main religious “flags”, which
helped the Serbians to achieve their own cultural identity, in this region being situated their
main monasteries built during the medieval period.
The Serbian writer Dobrico Ćosić stated in 1999 that Kosovo province “is not only a
piece of land, it represents the Serbian identity itself. With the loss of Kosovo... the Serbian
people was mutilated”.
In this study, a range of observations are provided on etymology, a brief history, as
well as the causes which determined the beginning of conflict.


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Publishing House, Bucharest, 2005;

C. Jura, Rolul organizatiilor nonguvernamentale pe plan international, All Beck

Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003;

A. Năstase, B. Aurescu, C. Jura, Drept Internaţional Public. Sinteze pentru

examen, All Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000;

A. Cassese, International Law, Oxford University Press, 2001;

J. Rehman, The weakness in the international protection of human rights,

Kluwer Law International, 2000;

T. Salmon, Issues in International Relations, Routledge, 2000;

P. Alston, The EU and Human Rights, Oxford University Press, 1999;

B. Buzan, O. Weaver and J. de Wilde, Security: a new framework for analysis, Lynne

Rienner Publishers, London, 1998.




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