
  • Ada Hurbean



empoyee, representation, trade union, colective agreement, mandate, responsabilities


This study deals with the institution representatives of the employees, the only
possibility, regulated by the law, to defense and promotion the interests of employees, in the
absence of a trade union representative at the level of the unit. Therefore, we are in the
presence of alternative to trade union representation, whereas, in principle, coexistence
between the two is out of the question.
Topics studied has known substantive changes with the entry into force of the Law No
40/2011, both in respect of the conditions of eligibility of representatives of the employees, as
well as in respect of measures of legal protection for them. Therefore, we want to do a
comparative overview of the old and new provisions equal in the matter.

Author Biography

Ada Hurbean

Law and Social Science Faculty, Legal and Administrative Science Deparment
“1 Decembrie 1918†University, Alba Iulia, Romania
*Corespondence Ada Hurbean, “1 Decembrie 1918†University, 5 Gabriel Bethlen St.,
510009, Alba Iulia, Romania


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I. T. Åžtefanescu, Tratat de dreptul muncii, Wolters Kluwer Pubishing House, 2007;

Al. Å¢iclea, Reprezentanţii salariaţilor, in “Revista Română de Dreptul Muncii†Review, nr. 1/2004.




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