The ensemble of legal means used for human protection forms the system of means of protecting the natural person. This system has been characterized in the legal literature as a "unity in diversity".
- unity, because its purpose is the protection of man;
- diversity, because it is made up of legal means of branch protection ”, that is to say civil law, commercial law, family law, labor law, constitutional law, financial law, criminal law etc. In the last period the scope of human legal protection was completed by the adoption of normative acts aimed at protecting the natural person. Civil law, like other branches of law, includes numerous institutions and norms that ensure the defense and protection of the subjective rights of natural persons. The norms of the civil law ensure protection by special means to the following categories of persons:
- to minors, through parental protection, guardianship and trusteeship;
- to the alienated and the mentally instable, by putting under interdiction and establishing the guardianship and the trusteeship;
- persons in special situations (old age, illness, physical disability), by establishing the trusteeship.