
  • Serena Sani Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education University of Molise
  • Luca Refrigeri




The aim of this work is to repeat in another european scientific context an overview of intercultural education in Italian school starting from the legal perspectives. Unlike Italy, in many European countries, since the middle of the 900, the issue of interculturality, in field of education, has become a real emergency. In this perspective, the Council of Europe and UNESCO, in the Eighties of the last century, have focused their attention on this issue by adopting various pronouncements and recommendations. In Italy, however, the National Council of Education (CNPI) has ruled in favor of intercultural education much later — by means of different standards and ministerial circulars that have treated this issue explicitly — and only recently has defined a national model of intercultural integration in the school. The Molise, as region with special characteristics, is trying to find its own model of integration through a research called Plism entrusted by the Region at the University of Molise.


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