The paper aims to describe the experimental project of the adjustment pathway to school that was developed at the Primary Education Degree of the University of Molise. The project started from the model of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) typical of the Anglo-Saxon professional culture that does not find a specific application in schools system of teacher training, expecially in Italy, and developed from the scholar prof. Stefano Bonometti. The project aims to develop the students’ culture of lifelong learning education, starting from universities education by developing a personal plan of professional development through typical methods of the CPD. Particularly, students of the fifth year, the final year of the degree course, will start a process of reflection of acquired skills, while those of the second year, the first year of traineeship, will start the process of training and monitoring of their acquisition skills during the course. The project after a period of stop is starting again in this year.References
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