
  • Roxana Denisa Vidican AGORA University of Oradea
  • Ionel DIDEA Faculty of Economics and Law, University of Pitești, Romania; Faculty of Law, Doctoral School, “TituMaiorescu” University, Bucharest, Romania, *Correspondence: IonelDidea, University of Pitești, 1 Tí¢rgu din Vale St., Pitești, Romania
  • Diana Maria ILIE Legal and Human Resources Department, University of Pitești, Romania; Faculty of Law, Doctoral School, “TituMaiorescu” University, Bucharest, Romania. *Correspondence: Diana Maria Ilie, University of Pitești, 1 Tí¢rgu din Vale St., Pitești, Romania



"The right is the totality of the conditions under which the will of each can coexist with the will of all, according to a universal law of freedom".Immanuel Kant.

The requirement that the expression of will to be uncorrupted is a legal necessity, but also a guarantee of compliance with the principle of freedom of civil legal acts, the real principle of will and the principle of law which enshrines the legal equality of the parties to civil legal relationship since the legal civil act must be the consequence of a volitional attitude, free and conscious expressed


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