
  • Dana Georgeta Alexandru University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu, Romania



The study intends to highlight the functions of property rights in relation to the characteristics of urbanism law. The analyse aims to identify the role of public authorities in the production process of planning public policies, under current regulations in force in Romania. Moreover, while the legislation led to confer a social function of property rights, this conception of property rights comes up against the revival of private property, which is likely to complicate the implementation of public planning policies. The social function of the property law, however, could reach its limits in the coming years. Indeed, the jurisprudence appears to give a boost to the individualistic dimension of ownership complicating the achievement of public planning policies.

Author Biography

Dana Georgeta Alexandru, University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu, Romania

Faculty of Humanties and Social Sciences
Departament of International Relations, Political Sciences and Security Studies


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