Merger and division nullity in the Romanian legal system


  • Bejan Felicia



nullity, merger, division, judicial character, nullity remedy


As a consequence of the transposition of european Directives regarding the merger, division, and cross-border mergers, the Romanian legal system established a special legal framework with regard to the sanction of nullity for such juridical acts. The peculiarities of internal and cross-border reorganisation operations, and the imperative of protecting the interests of third parties, associates, and the companies involved led to the creation of a derogatory legal system on the matter. An analysis of both theoretical and practical perspectives of the subject matter may result in a useful instrument for the application of incidental legal norms, or every time restructuring juridical acts contravene the legal norms.


Author Biography

Bejan Felicia

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Department of Law
*Correspondence: Felicia Bejan, Faculty of Political Science, 24 Sfí¢ntul Ştefan St. Bucharest,


Cărpenaru, St. D., Predoiu, C., David, S., Piperea, Gh., Legea societăţilor comerciale Comentariu pe articole, Editia 4, Ed. C.h. Beck, BucureÅŸti, 2009;

Simona Petrina Gavrilă, Legea societăţilor comerciale, practica judiciară, Hamangiu Publishing House, 2009;

Inalta Curte de Casatie si Jusititie, Buletinul jurisprudentei. Culegere de decizii pe anul 2008, C.H.Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009;

Cornelia Lefter, Societatea cu răspundere limitată în dreptul comparat, “Didactică şi Pedagogică†Publishing House, Bucharest, 1993.

Law no. 31/1990 on trade companies

Law no. 26/1990 regarding the Registry of Commerce.

Directive III no. 78/855/CEE of 9 Oct. 1978 regarding the merger of public limited liability companies.

Directive VI-a no. 82-891/EEC of 17 Dec. 1982 regarding the division of public limited liability companies.




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