The legislative act is the subjects` will to create, modify or extinguish a juridical relation of Civil Law. Hence the fundamental elements of the existence of civil juridical act, namely:
- the subjects` manifestation of will
- intention to produce, modify or extinguish civil juridical relations
- the juridical effects whose induction is aimed by parties
Consent is an essential prerequisite of validity for any juridical act and it is defined as the parties` decision to complete the juridical act. The consent must meet the following conditions to acquire legal value and to be considered valid:
- to be issued by a judicial person
- the intension of closing a legislative act should be known by all parties;
- the consent should be clear in terms of obligations and rights resulting from such an act;
- should not be affected by error vice of consent, mistake, fraud, violence or damage.
Legea nr.287/2009, de promovare a Noului cod civil (publicată în Monitorul Oficial al României nr.511 din 24.07.2009)
P.Tărchilă, Drept civil. Partea generală şi Persoanele, Editura, Gutenberg, Arad 2008.
L. Pop, Tratat de drept civil, Editura Cordial Lex, Cluj 2011.
O.Ungureanu, Drept civil, Introducere, Editura Rosetti, BucureÅŸti 2009.
G. Beleiu, Drept civil, Editura Åžansa, BucureÅŸti 2010.