
  • Florentina Nina Mocanasu Faculty of Law, Journalism, Psychology and the Science of Education Hyperion University, Popa Nan Street, nr 90-92, Bucharest



In recent years sociologists believed that for individuals withdraw from active life was an event with exclusively negative consequences, recent research has shown that especially when seniors are in good condition and have adequate income they feel satisfied with the changes of retirement. In some fields (education, medicine) they can continue their work a few years in the private sector.

In the society we live competence should be a key factor that makes people to be open or not to social change and not to age discrimination. Currently, to biological and psychological aging are added social aging that leads the individual to social exclusion, because, unfortunately, old age often came to be associated by others, with the disease, impotence, conservatism, lack of discernment, irritability and dependence on others.

Older people are often treated with contempt and looked that overall they represent a wealth of society.

Often society associated aging with loss of sensory capacity, with changes in mobility and retirement; however, some researchers have shown that for most older people, these changes are not so burdensome, nor so obvious as one might imagine.


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