charter, consecration, protection, human rights, non-discriminationAbstract
"International Charter of human rights" is generic name under which shall meet the
main international instruments relating to human rights, namely: Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, the International Pact on civil and political rights, the International Pact on
economic, social and cultural rights and the two optional Protocols at International Pact on
civil and political rights. Documents forming "The Charter of International human rights"
have represented international instruments which have been triggered an active process in
the evolution of legal instruments and mechanisms consecrating and protection of the human
being in universal and regional plan.
In this way at the international relations the man is now a supreme value to be
protected and promoted.
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Stelian Scaunas, International law of human rights. University course, All. Beck
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Tudor Tanasescu, International protection of human rights. University course, Sitech
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