local collectivity, competences, state, public serviceAbstract
The extension of administrative tasks, originally endowed with powers of supervision
and maintain a social balance, it gradually became an engine that determines changes, a new
level of transformation. Given the current status of local collectivities, through this research we
intend to argue their tendency to become leading actors in the landscape of administrative,
political, economic and social.
Our study will consider the effects of the successive transfer of powers upon local
collectivities and its implications for the organization, mission and coooperation. These
circumstances arise many challenges for state and local collectivity: changing relations between
the institutions generated by the transfer of competences, redefining the maner of intervention
and coordination, taking into account the economic imperative and upgrading administrative
capacity at local level.
To understand the local collectivity administration system, we leave the general
considerations about the new trends of public administration, and we will analyze the legal
status of local competences set in terms of three dimensions: how they are defined, the extent of
competences and how to modify the powers.
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