the quality and protection of environment, sustainable development, regulationsAbstract
Across time, the concept regarding the quality of life determined public authorities totake into consideration the improvement of urban and rural space, the zoning, the servitudes,
imposed on individuals and even authorities, being gradually accepted in the name of the
necessity for a collective welfare, including from the point of view of the natural environment.
Inveterated legal regulation, which concern the protection of ancient monuments in order to
save common cultural heritage, were gradually added to the ecological requests, which tend
to acquire preponderance compared to the traditional domains of urbanism and territory
Human settlements represent the traditional environment of human communities, thus
the approach to their sustainable and ecological development must be primarily acquired.
Resolving ecological issued in human settlements greatly depends of the dimensions of
localities, of their relations with the free territory, of the nature and manner of exploiting this
territory, of the existent resources, of the network communication means, of the industrial
objectives, etc. Thus many parameters must be taken into consideration when studying the
habitats of these settlements compared to those used in natural ecosystems.
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