
  • Petru TÄ‚RCHILÄ‚



Judicial psychology is the science that analyzes and tries to understand the criminal phenomenon in general and its determinant factor in particular, by the complexity of factors that generate it and by the diversity of its forms of manifestation. Although the determining factor of criminal behavior is always subjective being generated by the psychic of the offender, this aspect must be correlated with the context in which it manifests itself: social, economic, cultural context etc. Judicial psychology investigates the behavior of the individual in all its aspects, seeking a scientific explanation of the mechanisms and factors enhancing criminal favors, thus enabling the identification of the preventive measures to be taken to reduce the categories of offenses. It studies the psycho-behavioral profile of the offender, identifying the causes that determined its behavior in order to take preventive measures.
The domain of judicial psychology is mainly deviance, conduct that departs from the moral or legal norms that are dominant in a given culture. The object of judicial psychology is the criminal act, correlated with the psychosocial characteristics of the participants in the judicial action (offender, victim, witness, investigator, magistrate, lawyer, civil party, educator, etc.). The science of judicial psychology also analyzes how these characteristics appear and manifest themselves in concrete and special conditions of their interaction in three phases of the criminal act: the pre-criminal phase, the actual criminal phase and the post-criminal phase.


Butoi,T., Psihologie judiciară, ediţia a II-a, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine BucureÅŸti 2004;

Elena-Ana Nechita, Criminalistică. Tehnică şi tactică criminalistică, edition II, revision, Ed. PRO Univeristaria, 2009;

Elena Ana Nechita, Metodologia investigării infracţiunilor, Ed. PRO Univeristaria, 2012, p.115.

Tănăsescu, C., Psihologie judiciară, Editura All,Bucureşti, 2009;

Voica,A., Psihologie judiciară, Editura All Beck, Bucureşti, Bucureşti 2011;

Spineanu-Matei,O., Psihologia infractorului,Editura Trei, BucureÅŸti 2014.




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