
12th Agora International Law Conference, AILC 2018

“Prospects and Challenges of 21st Century Law”

October 18-19, 2018

Oradea - Romania

Organized by:

Agora University, Juridical and Administration Science Faculty, Social Sciences Department

In collaboration with:

Conference Chair

PhD. Professor Elena-Ana IANCU

Satellite events: Exposition and BACStud2018:


Section dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union on the subject of "The Development of Legal Sciences in Romania and the Republic of Moldova"

Pages of History 1917-1918. Exhibition. Partener: Museum of Crisis Country

Associated scientific event: conference on the subject of: The Role of Legal Professionals in the Realization and Accomplishment of the Great Union, 19th October 2018, 10.30 a.m. Location: Oradea Municipality City Hall, Traian Mosoiu Hall. The programme includes the following: Exhibition - Pages of History 1917-1918. Criș Land Museum is a partner; Visit to Aurel Lazăr Memorial House; Depositing a floral tribute at the statue of lawyer dr. Aurel Lazăr // Eveniment stiintific asociat: conferinta cu tema Rolul profesiilor juridice in realizarea si desavarsirea Marii Uniri, 19 octombrie 2018, ora 10,30. Locatia: Primăria Municipiului Oradea, sala Traian Mosoiu. In program sunt cuprinse urmatoarele: Expoziţie - Pagini de istorie 1917-1918. Partener este Muzeul Tării Crisurilor; Vizita la casa memoriala Aurel Lazar; Depunere coroana de flori la statuia avocat dr. Aurel Lazăr

Parallel Sessions:

Session I: The impact of legislative changes in judicial practice

Session II: The role of interdisciplinarity in legal sciences

Session III: The dynamics of crime in contemporary society

Session IV: Comparative Approaches to International Law

In the conference program will be able to enroll research teams, teams of specialists from Romania and abroad with online interventions. For this purpose the organizers will provide appropriate technical equipment and conduct discussions via video conference.


Accepted papers presented at AILC 2018 will be published in AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, http://univagora.ro/jour/index.php/aijjs/index 1843-570X, E-ISSN: 2067-7677, indexed in many international databases.

Important Dates

  • Register: October 05, 2018
  • Paper Submission Deadline: October 05, 2018
  • Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: October 10, 2018
  • The fee payment: October 10, 2018
  • Author’s enrolment in the program of conference: October 12, 2018


Agora University of Oradea


8 Piața Tineretului

Oradea, BH 410526

GPS coord.: Lat. N: 47.048938421830755

Long. E: 21.950868387444626

Office: (+40) 259 427 398,(+40) 259 472 513

Fax: (+40) 259 434 925

E-mail: ailc@univagora.ro

Web: www.univagora.ro

Previous Editions

2017 - http://univagora.ro/ro/conferinte/ailc2017 - https://www.ovidan.ro/?p=articles.details.15668

2016 - http://univagora.ro/ro/conferinte/ailc2016/

2015 - http://univagora.ro/ro/ailc-2015/

2014 - http://univagora.ro/ro/ailc-2014/

2013 - http://cepct.ro/galerie/AILC2013/index.html /http://www.ovidan.ro/?p=articles.details.9374

2012 - http://www.ovidan.ro/?p=articles.details.7628

2011 - http://www.ovidan.ro/?p=articles.details.5936

2009 - http://www.cepct.ro/assets/arhiva-cepct/cepct2009.pdf

2008 - http://www.ovidan.ro/?p=articles.details.1481

2007 - http://www.ovidan.ro/?p=articles.details.555