Call for papers

9th Agora International Law Conference, AILC 2015

“Prospects and Challenges of 21st Century Law”, 22-23 October 2014, Oradea, Romania

Organized by

  • Agora University, Juridical and Administration Science Faculty, Social Sciences Department
  • Transilvania University of Braşov, Faculty of Law

In collaboration with:

Scope and Topics

The AGORA International Law Conference (AILC) has been founded in 2007 founded by E.-A. Iancu (Nechita) and M.-J. Manolescu and it was organized every year (AILC 2014 - AILC 2007) on specific subjects on juridical sciences.

For the 9th edition AILC 2015 are invited to participate local and foreign professors, specialists and researchers concerned with disciplinary and inter-disciplinary studies.

The organizers have set as objective to bring to the attention of participants current issues in legal sciences, comparative approaches laws of other states, relevant analysis and critical remarks as well as ferenda bill in the context of Romanian legislation and not only is being in a continuous and necessary change, sometimes hard to be accomplished.

In the conference program will be able to enroll research teams, teams of specialists from Romania and abroad with online interventions. For this purpose the organizers will provide appropriate technical equipment and conduct discussions via video conference.

Parallel Sessions:

  • Session I: Constitutional review and public administration
  • Session II: Civil Law between tradition and Innovation
  • Session III: Nowadays Importance of Criminal Sciences
  • Session IV: The role of interdisciplinarity in legal sciences

Submission Guidelines


Selected papers will be published in AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, 1843-570X,E-ISSN: 2067-7677, indexed in many international databases as: EBSCO, HEIN ONLINE, COPERNICUS, DOAJ, ULRICH, V LEX, SOCOLAR.

Important Dates

  • Register: October 05, 2015
  • Paper Submission Deadline: Octomber 05, 2015
  • Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: October 15, 2015
  • The fee payment: October 10, 2015
  • Author’s enrollment in the program of conference: October 21, 2015


  • Tel: +40 259 427 398, +40 259 472 513
  • Fax:+40 259 434 925
  • E-mail: