Session I: Constitutional review and public administration
Session II: Civil law and Civil procedure legislative news
Session III: Legislative changes in criminal sciences and their consequences in judicial practice
Session IV: The role of interdisciplinarity in legal sciences
In the conference program will be able to enroll research teams, teams of specialists from Romania and abroad with online interventions. For this purpose the organizers will provide appropriate technical equipment and conduct discussions via video conference.
Accepted papers presented at AILC 2014 will be published in AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, 1843-570X, E-ISSN: 2067-7677, indexed in many international databases as: EBSCO, HEIN ONLINE, COPERNICUS, DOAJ, ULRICH, V LEX, SOCOLAR
Important Dates
Register: October 05, 2014
Paper Submission Deadline: October 05, 2014
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: October 10, 2014
The fee payment: October 10, 2014
Author’s enrolment in the program of conference: October 21, 2014