Parsimonious BWM (BWM-P) for prioritizing ad appeals in the Metaverse world
Metaverse, ad appeals, advertising, MCDM, Best-worst methodAbstract
Metaverse has made sense for organizations regarding new opportunities it is likely to offer, and studies on Metaverse-related subjects in different areas have increased incredibly. Advertising is an area where Metaverse-related studies are few. For the first time, this paper prioritizes Metaverse ad appeals and performs the Parsimonious Best-worst method (BWM-P) for this purpose. BWM-P, an improved version of the BWM method, allows consistent results to be achieved quickly by reducing the number of pairwise comparisons. Regarding the findings, Metaverse experience is the paramount Metaverse ad appeal, followed by product familiarity and NFT of advertisement, respectively. Further, standardization and Metaverse bonuses are the other significant Metaverse ad appeals. The present research contributes to existing knowledge by analyzing ad appeals to ensure the effectiveness of advertising strategies in the Metaverse world.
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