Transforming Financial Decision-Making: The Interplay of AI, Cloud Computing and Advanced Data Management Technologies
Data Management Technologies, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support, Cloud ComputingAbstract
Financial institutions face many challenges in managing modern financial transactions and vast data volumes. To overcome these challenges, they are increasingly harnessing advanced data man- agement technologies such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing. This paper presents a com- prehensive review of how these tools transform financial decision-making in various domains and ap- plications. We analyzed both foundational and recent advancements using a rigorous methodology based on the PRISMA 2020 guideline. Our findings indicate that many major financial institutions are adopting AI-driven solutions to potentially enhance real-time risk assessment, transactional efficiency, and predictive analytics. While they bring benefits like faster decision-making and reduced operational costs, they also pose challenges like data security and integration complexities that require further research and development. Looking ahead, we envision a more integrated, responsive, and secure financial ecosystem that leverages the convergence of AI, cloud computing, and advanced data storage. This synthesis underscores the significance of contemporary data management solutions in shaping the future of data-driven financial services, offering a guideline for stakeholders in this evolving domain.References
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