The role of E-Learning generated by the COVID-19 epidemic in higher education
E-learning, TAM, university sustainabilityAbstract
As key players in our society, universities have a special responsibility for sustainable development. As institutions of education, research, and services, universities are key players in the sustainable development of society and the economy. With the health crisis caused by Covid-19, it was necessary to introduce digitalized teaching. We could even say that Covid-19 is an accelerator for students’ and teachers’ acceptance of digital technologies in teaching. In many universities, there is still some impotence on how distance or short-term university teaching can take place. In the European higher education area, there has long been a commitment to greater digitalization of teaching under the keyword e-learning, so we set out to analyze these issues in the Romanian university environment. The results show that substantial efforts have been made, but these efforts must be continued to be successful and to reach a sustainable university.
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