EODC: An Energy Optimized Dynamic Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network using PSO approach


  • Jothi kumar C SRM IST
  • Revathi Venkataraman SRM IST


Clustering, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), energy efficiency, routing, particle swarm optimization (PSO)


Wireless Sensor Network comprises of a number of small wireless nodes whose role is to sense, gather, process and communicate. One of the primary concerns of the network is to optimize the energy consumption and extend the network lifespan. Sensor nodes can be clustered to increase the network lifespan. This is done by selecting the cluster head for every cluster and by performing data fusion on the cluster head. The proposed system is using an energy efficient hierarchical routing protocol named Energy Optimized Dynamic Clustering (EODC) for clustering large ad-hoc WSN and route the data towards the sink. The sink receives the data collected from the set of cluster heads after every round. The cluster head was selected using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) approach and the cluster members are allocated based on Manhattan distance. The metrics used to find the fitness function are location, link quality, energy of active node and energy of inactive node. The system employs shortest path approach to communicate between the cluster heads till it reaches the base station. By this, we have increased the energy efficiency and lifetime of the network. The analysis and outcomes show that the EODC was found to outperform the existing protocol which compares with this algorithm.


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