An ABC Algorithm with Recombination


  • Xuemei You
  • Yinghong Ma
  • Zhiyuan Liu
  • Mingzhao Xie


Artificial bee colony (ABC), recombination, hybrid search model, global optimization


Artificial bee colony (ABC) is an efficient swarm intelligence algorithm, which has shown good exploration ability. However, its exploitation capacity needs to be improved. In this paper, a novel ABC variant with recombination (called RABC) is proposed to enhance the exploitation. RABC firstly employs a new search model inspired by the updating equation of particle swarm optimization (PSO). Then, both the new search model and the original ABC model are recombined to build a hybrid search model. The effectiveness of the proposed RABC is validated on ten famous benchmark optimization problems. Experimental results show RABC can significantly improve the quality of solutions and accelerate the convergence speed.


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