A Life Dedicated to the Science, Philosophy and Romanian Society


  • Gheorghe Tecuci Romanian Academy George Mason University


With outstanding contributions in Electronics, Informatics, and Philosophy, and as Professor, Researcher, and Manager, Acad. Mihai Drăgănescu is the most important encyclopedic personality of contemporary Romania.
Educated in the nascent Romanian school of electronics, Acad. Mihai Drăgănescu creates a worldclass school of electronic devices and microelectronics. Envisioning the evolution of the modern society, becomes initiator and promoter of the informatics revolution in Romania, conceptually defining it and coordinating its development. Generalizing the concept of information, creates an original philosophy that leads to the development of a new type of science, called structural-phenomenological, with major implications for the understanding of the world and its future. First president of the Romanian Academy renaissance, he leads both its return to its role and traditional sources, and its renewal and adaptation to the evolution of the civilization. Promoter of the scientific and humanistic culture, brings back the deserved recognition to major personalities of the Romanian spirituality. Mentor and life model, he lightens and encourages many young generations with an extraordinary generosity.
Any of these achievements would be enough to place Acad. Mihai Drăgănescu among the greatest Romanian personalities. Their combination, impressive through their diversity and unity, creates the image of a personality of a rare complexity and creativity.


M. Drăgănescu, Electronic Processes in Semiconductor Devices of Circuits (in Romanian), Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest, 1962.

M. Drăgănescu, On Some Microelectronics Problems (in Romanian), Automatica și electronica, 7, 1, 31-40, 1963.

M. Drăgănescu, Solid State Electronics (in Romanian), Editura Tehnicăa, Bucharest, 1972.

M. Drăgănescu, Gheorghe Ștefan, Corneliu Burileanu, Functional Electronics (in Romanian), Vol. I, Editura Tehnicăa, Bucharest, 1992.

M. Drăgănescu, Microelectronics and Functional Electronics (in Romanian), in: Dan Dascalu and Gh. Brezeanu (Eds.), New Research in Microelectronics, Romanian Academy Press, 9-20, 1994.

M. Drăgănescu, From solid state to quantum and molecular electronics, the deepening of information processing, Invited paper at the International Semiconductor Conference, Sinaia, October 8-11, 1997, published in the volume I of the Conference, p.5-21. http://www.racai.ro/MD75/

M. Drăgănescu, Neural Engineering and Neuroelectronics Facing Artificial Consciousness, Communication at the INGIMED II Conference, Bucharest, Dec. 13, 2001; * E-Preprint, MSReader Format, Romanian Federation of Bioengineering.

M. Drăgănescu, System and Civilization, Essays (in Romanian), Editura Politicăa, Bucharest, 1976.

M. Drăgănescu, The Second Industrial Revolution. Microelectronics, Automatics Informatics: Determining Factors (in Romanian), Editura Tehnicăa, Bucharest, 1980.

M. Drăgănescu, Informatics and Society (in Romanian), Editura Politicăa, Bucharest, 1987.

M. Drăgănescu, The Information and Knowledge Society. The Vectors of the Knowledge Society, Study for the Romanian Academy Project "Information Society - Knowledge Society", Bucharest, 9 July 2001, http://www.racai.ro/INFOSOC-Project/

M. Drăgănescu Broadband and the Knowledge Society, Communication presented at the International Conference Information Society Technologies for Broadband Europe, 9-11 October 2002, Marriott Grand Hotel, Bucharest, România. http://www.racai.ro/ dragam/BROADBANDINTERNET- AND-THE-KNOWLEGDE.pdf

C. Noica, A Work for the Century (in Romanian), Contemporanul, 20 June 1986.

M. Drăgănescu, The Consciousness Society (in Romanian), Romanian Academy Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Bucharest, 2007, ISBN 978-973-0-05307-4

M. Drăgănescu, The Depth of Existence, Editura Politicăa, Bucharest, 1979, http://www.racai.ro/books/doe/

M. Drăgănescu, Orthophysiscs (in Romanian), Editura Științificăa și Enciclopedicăa, Bucharest, 1985. http://www.racai.ro/ dragam/ortof.html

M. Drăgănescu, Spirituality, Information, Matter. Essays (in Romanian), Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest, 1988.

M. Drăgănescu, Information of Matter (in Romanian), Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest, 1990.

M. Drăgănescu, Essays (in Romanian), Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest, 1993.

M. Drăgănescu, L'Universalité Ontologique de L'information. Préface et notes par Yves Kodratoff, Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest, 1996. HTML edition by Dorin Marcu, http://www.racai.ro/books/draganescu/

M. Drăgănescu, Principes d'une science structurale-phénoménologique, Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres et des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Academie Royale de Belgique, 6e série, Tome IV, 7-12, 255-311, 1993.

M. Kafatos, R. Nadeau, The Conscious Universe, Springer Verlag, New York, 1990. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4684-0360-2

M. Drăgănescu, The Fundamental Consciousness of Existence (in Romanian), Academica, January- March 1998. http://www.racai.ro/MD75/

M. Drăgănescu, M. Kafatos, Generalized Foundational Principles in the Philosophy of Science, paper presented at the Conference on "Consciousness in Science and Philosophy" Charleston, Illinois, 6-7 Nov 1998, published in The Noetic Journal, Vol.2, No.4, Oct. 1999, 341-350, republished in the vol. Science and the Primacy of Consciousness, Intimation of a 21st Century Revolution, Richard L. Amoroso and others (eds), Orinda: The Noetic Press, 2000, Chapter 9, 86-98. Also * e-copy in MSReader format.

M. Kafatos, M. Drăgănescu, Toward an Integrative Science, NOESIS, XXVI, 2001. http://www.racai.ro/MD75/

M. Drăgănescu, Caryatids of Thought (in Romanian), Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest, 1996.

M. Drăgănescu, Constantin Bălăceanu, Victor Săahleanu, Gheorghe Petrovici, Gheorghe Ștefan and Alexandru Giuculescu, Romanian Precursors of Cybernetics (in Romanian), Romanian Academy Press, 1979.

M. Drăgănescu, P. Golu, C. Bălăceanu and A. Giuculescu, Odobleja between Ampere and Wiener, Romanian Academy Press, 1981.

Șt. Odobleja, Consonantist Psychology (in Romanian), with an introductory study by Mihai Drăgănescu and Pantelimon Golu, Editura Științificăa și Enciclopedicăa, Bucharest, 1982.

M. Drăgănescu, A. Rusu, Șt. Iancu (eds), Tudor Tăanăasescu, the Founder of the Romanian School of Electronics (in Romanian), Editura Dorotea, Bucharest, 2001.

M. Drăgănescu, Tudor Tăanăasescu and the Romanian School of Electronics (in Romanian), Bucharest, 7 March 2001, * e book, MSReader format, edition dragam@racai.ro

M. Drăgănescu, The Philosophical Tension and the Cosmic Feeling. Romanian Academy Reception Speech, 6 September 1990. Answer by Acad. Zoe Dumitrescu Bușulenga. Opening Remarks by Acad. Nicolae Cajal, Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest, 1991.

M. Drăgănescu, The Ring of the Material World, Editura Științificăa și Enciclopedicăa, Bucharest, 1989.



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