Discussion Support System for Intra-class Discussions and the Criteria for Group Making


  • Ikuo Kitagaki Hiroshima University, Research Institute for Higher Education 2-12-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-hiroshima, 739-8512, Japan


Group division, Discussion support system, Algorithm


A computerized system has been discussed. It assists group discussion done in a classroom in the way that, first, it presents a topic with the relevant choices, second, each student selects a choice and sends it to the server, third, the server determines the groups according to the choices and other information, forth, it sends to the students’ cell phone the group information with each choice, lastly, students actually make group according to the given information then start to discuss. Relating to the system, this paper describes the configuration of the proposed computer system, two aspects of group division(difference in learning and similarity in learning), the algorithm of the group division, and the execution process of actual group discussions, assisted by this system, about specific topics.


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