Using QSPS in Developing and Realization of a Production Line in Automotive Industry


  • Nicolae Tudor Continental Automotive Systems Test Department
  • Vasile Claudiu Kifor “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Director of the research department
  • Constantin Oprean “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu Rector


quality improvement, control, savings, efficiency, capability


Using the QSPS (Quality System for the production software) for industrial projects and not only therefore, has led to accurate running of the production line from beginning of the SOP (Start of Production). This paper presents the application way of the QSPS at one of the strongest European automotive company. By using of this system several significant costs savings and quality improvement can be observed.
The content of this paper will show step by step how to use QSPS for the integration of a production line in the traceability system from a big company in automotive industry.
The production line involved contains 56 production equipments, which have to be passed trough by the product before being packet and deliver to the customer.
The control of the line is done by this traceability system, so the impact of this system with the quality of the product is very high. The structure of this system contains 7 steps. All of these steps are followed and executed in each System (test, pilot and production environment).


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