A Homogeneous Algorithm for Motion Estimation and Compensation by Using Cellular Neural Networks


  • Cristian Grava University of Oradea Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Oradea, Romania
  • Alexandru Gacsí¡di University of Oradea Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Oradea, Romania
  • Ioan Buciu University of Oradea Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Oradea, Romania


cellular neural networks, motion estimation, Horn & Schunck method


In this paper we present an original implementation of a homogeneous algorithm for motion estimation and compensation in image sequences, by using Cellular Neural Networks (CNN). The CNN has been proven their efficiency in real-time image processing, because they can be implemented on a CNN chip or they can be emulated on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The motion information is obtained by using a CNN implementation of the well-known Horn & Schunck method. This information is further used in a CNN implementation of a motion-compensation method. Through our algorithm we obtain a homogeneous implementation for real-time applications in artificial vision or medical imaging. The algorithm is illustrated on some classical sequences and the results confirm the validity of our algorithm.


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