Parallel Simulation of Quantum Search


  • Simona Caraiman “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi Romania, 700050 Iasi, 27 Dimitrie Mangeron
  • Vasile Manta “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi Romania, 700050 Iasi, 27 Dimitrie Mangeron


quantum computer simulation, parallel computing, quantum search.


Simulation of quantum computers using classical computers is a computationally hard problem, requiring a huge amount of operations and storage. Parallelization can alleviate this problem, allowing the simulation of more qubits at the same time or the same number of qubits to be simulated in less time. A promising approach is represented by executing these simulators in Grid systems that can provide access to high performance resources. In this paper we present a parallel implementation of the QC-lib quantum computer simulator deployed as a Grid service. Using a specific scheme for partitioning the terms describing quantum states and efficient parallelization of the general singe qubit operator and of the controlled operators, very good speed-ups were obtained for the simulation of the quantum search problem.


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