
  • Ioan Lazar Agora University of Oradea


This article aims at a summary of the principles of subsidiarity in national and European
level, as well as the perspective of increasing quality by implementing quality management
activities in local activities.
Article aims to illustrate the full compatibility of subsidiarity, local autonomy, and
quality management, the meeting point of which is the individual and his rights.
To achieve this, I proposed to address the following issues:
- Concept and current development of the principles of subsidiarity and local autonomy;
- Highlighting the main features of subsidiarity;
- Concept and scientific content of total quality management (MQT) and lines of action in
improving the quality of public administration activities.
This article has the foundation sources and papers by experts in the field of
administrative law, Community and studies by sociologists on public administration, legislation
and quality management, having as a starting point the European Charter of Local Self-
I appreciate the importance of the article is determined by the objectives of the
conclusions and recommendations that aim for interdisciplinary developed to increase citizen
satisfaction Local Government acts.

The practical value of the article is to highlight the specific situation and practical public
administration, so the focus is directed on the citizen and his rights.
The new European context, because more often speaks of a unique structure not only
European but also global, qualitative administration is necessary, without being ignored social
values, political, economic and cultural needs of each individual


Work in the field

Alexander, I. Science Administration, Bucharest, Economic Publishing House, 2001;

Gow, JI, Barrett, M., Dion, S., Fortmann, M. Introduction à l'administration publique. Une

politique aproche, Quebec, 1992;

Hague, R., Harrop, M. Breslin, S Comparative Introduction to Political Science, St.Martin's

Press, 1992;

Lazar, I. Quality Management University Press Agora 2011;

Lazar, I. Descentralitarea government requirement to ensure its quality magazine article in

Agora University;

Parlagi, A. (eds.) Public Services, Bucharest, Economic Publishing House, 1999;

Lead, I. (eds.) Public Services Management, Bucharest, ASE, 2000.





