Dean's Office: Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences


Lector universitar Dr.Radu-Gheorghe FLORIAN

Director of the Legal and Administrative Sciences Department

University associate proffesor Ph.D.
Laura-Dumitrana Rath Boșca

Council of the Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences

1. Lect. univ. dr. Radu-Gheorghe FLORIAN - President

2. Lect. univ. dr. Laura - Dumitrana RATH-BOȘCA - DSJA Director

3. Conf.univ.dr. Liviu Alexandru LASCU - Member

4. Lect. univ. dr. Gheorghe BORȘA - Member

5. Lect. univ. dr. Liviu POPA - Member

6. Student Raluca-Monica CRĂCIUN (Drept) - Member

7. Student Melania Monika RUS (Poliție locală) - Member