President of the Senate:
Assoc. Prof. Ramona Mihaela URZICEANU, Ph.D.
Full Members elected for the 2019-2023 mandate
1. Conf.univ.dr. Ramona - Mihaela URZICEANU - President
2. Prof. univ. dr. Adriana MANOLESCU
3. Lecturer dr. Radu-Gheorghe FLORIAN
4. Conf. univ. dr. Nicusor-Augustin BURTA
5. Conf.univ. dr. Casian-Valentin BUTACI
6. Karina BIȚIȘ - student FSE
7. Larisa-Florentina MARC - student FSJA
Honorary members of Senate:
- Prof. dr. Robert Joseph CHILDS; Southeastern University, Florida, SUA
- Prof.dr. Salvo ANDO, Università della Sicilia Centrale Kore di Enna, ITALIA
- Prof.dr. Luca REFRIGERI, Università Degli Studi Del Molise
- Prof.dr. Alfio D’URSO, Università di Catanzaro, ITALIA
- Prof. Eva PFOSTL, Istituto di studi politici „San Pio V” di Roma, ITALIA
- Acad. Florin Gheorghe FILIP, Romanian Academy, ROMANIA
- Prof.univ.dr. Pierre BORNE, L'Ecole Centrale de Lille, FRANCE
- Prof.univ.dr. George METAKIDES, University of Patras, GREECE
- Prof.univ.dr. Felisa CORDOVA, University of Santiago of Chile, CHILE
- Prof.univ.dr. Yezid DONOSO, University of the Andes, Bogotá, COLUMBIA
- Prof.univ.dr. Gang KOU, Southwestern Univ. of Finance and Economics, CHINA
- Prof.univ.dr. Yong SHI; UCAS, Consilier al Premierului CHINEI
- Dr. K. SRIDHARAN, Cancelar - Kalasalingam University, INDIA
- Ing. Gheorghe GRIGUȚA, Director General-Coniz Romarg, ROMANIA
Executive staff:
Prof.univ.dr. Alina-Angela MANOLESCU
Vice-Rector for Education and Quality Assurance:Conf.univ.dr. Gabriela BOLOGA
Vice-Rector for Internationalization:
Lecturer dr. Felix Angel Popescu