
Mișu-Jan Manolescu

Mișu-Jan Manolescu

Founder, President of the Board of Directors
Adriana Manolescu

Adriana Manolescu

Founder, Vice-President of the Board of Directors
Alina-Angela Manolescu

Alina-Angela Manolescu

Ramona Urziceanu

Ramona Urziceanu

President of the Senate
Gabriela Bologa

Gabriela Bologa

Vice-Rector Education and Quality
Felix Angel Popescu

Felix Angel Popescu

Vice-Rector for Internationalization
Radu Gheorghe Florian

Radu Gheorghe Florian

Dean, Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences
Casian Butaci

Casian Butaci

Dean, Faculty of Economic Sciences
Viorina Judeu

Viorina Judeu

Head of Department
Laura Dumitrana Rath Boșca

Laura Dumitrana Rath Boșca

Head of Department
Dan Petrică

Dan Petrică

Institutional Coordinator Erasmus+
Ana-Maria Coatu

Ana-Maria Coatu

European project department responsible