Registration Form & Fee

ICCCC2022 Registration Form & Fee

Registration Form

The registration is completed if you

  • Registration Form at ICCCC2022 is submitted until 27 March 2022 to the address: - Registration Form - PDF,PDF
  • Author submitted the final paper until Martie 15, 2022,
  • Author ordered the payment of the registration fee* according to the chosen version A, B or C.
  • The conference takes place on-site at Hotel President (4 stars, aqua-park, spa), Băile Felix, Oradea, Romania; Variant C is only if the pandemic situation persists; In Romania, at this moment - March 20, 2022, there are no restrictions that do not allow the physical organization of the conference.

Registration Fee*

Variant A. Basic variant (without accommodation): conference fee is 600 € (until April 10), 625 € (April 11 - Aprill 30), 650 € (after May 1) and includes:

  • full access to the conference program and proceedings paper publications;
  • paper publication in SPRINGER Proceedings;
  • conference materials and coffee breaks;
  • reception banquets and daily meals (lunch and dinner on May 17-18);
  • excursion (May 19, Mountain Resort, meals included).

Variant B. Full variant (with accommodation): conference fee is 850 € (until April 10) and includes:

  • accommodation four nights at four stars Hotel in Baile Felix on May 16 - May 20: President Hotel****:
  • full access to the conference program and proceedings paper publications;
  • paper publication in SPRINGER Proceedings;
  • conference materials and coffee breaks;
  • reception banquets and daily meals (lunch and dinner on May 17-18);
  • excursion (May 19, Mountain Resort, meals included);
  • free access to the Hotel President facilities: indoor pool / outdoor pool with thermal water; sauna and Jacuzzi; fitness; sport facilities (football, tennis); guarded indoor parking; Internet - Wireless.

Variant C. Online version (only if the pandemic situation persists): conference fee is 200 € (until April 10), 225 € (April 11 - April 30), 250 € (after May 1) and includes:

  • paper publication in SPRINGER Proceedings.

Discounts for Variants A and B (please send a request to &

  • There is no discount for the participants that cannot participate to the full program of the conference.
  • We can accept request for discount (20%) from PhD students.
  • Discount for a co-author, an attendant without paper or an accompanying person (family member) is 50%.

Registration Fee Payment

Payment methods:

1. Wire transfer

The registration fee can be payed by bank transfer for international payments in Euro (EUR) or can be payed by bank transfer for domestic payments in Romanian Lei (RON):


No. Registrar of Companies (Reg. com.): J5/2817/2008

VAT CODE (CIF):24747462

Address: P-ta Tineretului, Nr. 8, Municipiul Oradea, State/Province (Judet) Bihor, Romania

IBAN code (IBAN) (EUR): RO50BFER248000014038EU01

IBAN code (IBAN) (RON): RO93BFER248000014038RO01

Bank: TechVentures Bank


Address bank: P-ta Unirii, Nr. 8, Oradea, Cod Postal 410072, Jud. Bihor, Romania

Details of payment: ICCCC 2022 paper registration. Paper ID [your paper ID]

2. Credit card

Credit card payment is also possible during registration process. The payment can be made online by paying by credit card through a request of the author at the address:

