General Program

General program

AGORA International Law Conference (AILC), ediţia XII,


Oradea, October 18-19, 2018, Oradea, Romania

Satellite events: Exposition and BACStud2018:

Thursday, October 18

12:00 ÷ 15:00 Reception and accommodation of external participants;

15:30 ÷ 18:00 Session dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union on the subject of "The Development of Legal Sciences in Romania and the Republic of Moldova"

(From the program BACStud 2018)

18:30 ÷ 20:00 Practical Applications Section - demonstration, simulations and "Expo_BACStud 2018" (From the program BACStud 2018) Processes simulated, responsible Professor Elena-Ana Iancu
Part I - Process simulated civil case - coordinator judge, lecturer. univ. dr. Doseanu Loredana-Steliana

20:00 ÷ 22:00 Dinner external participants

Friday, October 20

07:30 ÷ 08:30 Breakfast;

<strong>09:00</strong> <strong>÷ 09:30</strong>  Registration will take place at the institution where the official opening of the conference AILC;

09:30 ÷ 10:30 Official opening AILC

Words of welcome to the representatives of the co-organizer and partner institutions, visiting officials

10:30 ÷ 12:30 Plenary Session

Roundtable dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union on the subject of "Personalities in the Legal Field Who Created the Great Union"

Pages of History 1917-1918. Exhibition. Partener: Museum of Crisis Country

12:40 ÷ 13:50 Lunch

14:00÷15:30 Practical Applications section, demonstration, simulations and "Expo_BACStud 2018"
Part II Practical applications demonstrative - Coordinator: Professor Elena-Ana Iancu
Police Inspectorate of Bihor County - information stand presentation and practical demonstration activities with the laboratory of forensic technical exposition;

Border Police Territorial Inspectorate Oradea, outreach, stand presentation and practical demonstration activities, technical exposition;

Gendarmes Inspectoratul Bihor County - stand presentation, outreach, promotion duties gendarmerie, practical exercises - modes of action;

Center 54 Communication R.M.N.C - stand presentation, outreach, technical exposition;

The police Local Oradea - stand presentations, technical exposition;

Other institutions / organizations in the fields of security, safety and public order.

15:30 ÷ 17:00 Simulations

· Simulated criminal trial - coordinator prosecutor lecturer. PhD Liviu Lascu

15:30 - 17:30 Presentation of the work in sections

Session I: The impact of legislative changes in judicial practice

Session II: The role of interdisciplinarity in legal sciences

Session III: The dynamics of crime in contemporary society

Session IV: Comparative Approaches to International Law

17:30 - 18:00 Conclusions, offering diplomas of participation and launch AILC 2018