
6th Agora International Administration Conference, AIAC 2016

International Inter-Institutional Cooperation in the Era of Globalization

December 8-9, 2016

Oradea - Romania

Organized by:

In collaboration with:

  • Euroregional Centre for Preventing and Fighting against Cross-Border Criminality
  • Information Centre EUROPE DIRECT Agora University
  • Jean Monnet Chair: The European Public Space
  • Jean Monnet European Modules:
    • The free movement of persons inside E.U
    • Economic and Monetary Union
  • Abolishion Inc. (NGO)

Conference Chair

George Marius ȘINCA PhD Candidate

Welcome Message

Alina-Angela MANOLESCU PhD

Plenary session moderator

George Marius ȘINCA PhD Candidate

Parallel Sessions:

Poster: PDF

Schedule: PDF

  • Session I: The role of the millennials regarding the good governance
  • Session II: Human Testing and selection in the context of law and public administration
  • Session III: Legal protection and public safety in the information society.

Paper plenary Sessions:

Session I: Euroregional Politics

Session II: Public Administration in the new development process 2013-2020

In the conference program will be able to enroll research teams, teams of specialists from Romania and abroad with online interventions. For this purpose, the organizers will provide appropriate technical equipment and conduct discussions via video conference.


Accepted papers presented at AIAC 2016 will be published in AGORA International Journal of Administration Sciences, ISSN 2359-800X

Important Dates

  • Register: November 05, 2016
  • Paper Submission Deadline: November 05, 2016
  • Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: November 10, 2016
  • The fee payment: November 10, 2016
  • Author’s enrolment in the program of conference: November 21, 2016


Agora University of Oradea


8 Piața Tineretului

Oradea, BH 410526

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Long. E: 21.950868387444626

Mobile: (+40) 740 495 557

Office: (+40) 259 427 398, (+40) 259 472 513

Fax: (+40) 259 434 925



Previous Editions:

2011 -

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2013 -

2015 -

2016 -