Development of a Hybrid Algorithm for efficient Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing environment using Artificial Intelligence


  • Mohammed Yousuf Uddin
  • Hikmat Awad Abdeljaber
  • Tariq Ahamed Ahanger


Cloud Computing, virtual machines, Task Scheduling, Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, Bat Algorithm, Hybrid algorithm


Cloud computing is developing as a platform for next generation systems where users can pay as they use facilities of cloud computing like any other utilities. Cloud environment involves a set of virtual machines, which share the same computation facility and storage. Due to rapid rise in demand for cloud computing services several algorithms are being developed and experimented by the researchers in order to enhance the task scheduling process of the machines thereby offering optimal solution to the users by which the users can process the maximum number of tasks through minimal utilization of the resources. Task scheduling denotes a set of policies to regulate the task processed by a system. Virtual machine scheduling is essential for effective operations in distributed environment. The aim of this paper is to achieve efficient task scheduling of virtual machines, this study proposes a hybrid algorithm through integrating two prominent heuristic algorithms namely the BAT Algorithm and the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm in order to optimize the virtual machine scheduling process. The performance evaluation of the three algorithms (BAT, ACO and Hybrid) reveal that the hybrid algorithm performs better when compared with that of the other two algorithms.

Author Biographies

Mohammed Yousuf Uddin

Lecturer, Department of Information Systems.

College of Computer Engineering and Science.

 Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University

Hikmat Awad Abdeljaber

Princee Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University

Tariq Ahamed Ahanger

Department of Computer Science
Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, KSA
Al Kharj, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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