A Pervasive Computational Intelligence based Cognitive Security Co-design Framework for Hype-connected Embedded Industrial IoT


  • Usman Tariq Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University
  • Tariq Ahamed Ahanger
  • Muneer Nusir Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University
  • Atef Ibrahim Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University


Cognitive Security Framework, Industrial IoT, Computational Intelligence Methods, Context Awareness, Co-Design


The amplified connectivity of routine IoT entities can expose various security trajectories for cybercriminals to execute malevolent attacks. These dangers are even amplified by the source limitations and heterogeneity of low-budget IoT/IIoT nodes, which create existing multitude-centered and fixed perimeter-oriented security tools inappropriate for vibrant IoT settings. The offered emulation assessment exemplifies the remunerations of implementing context aware co-design oriented cognitive security method in assimilated IIoT settings and delivers exciting understandings in the strategy execution to drive forthcoming study. The innovative features of our system is in its capability to get by with irregular system connectivity as well as node limitations in terms of scares computational ability, limited buffer (at edge node), and finite energy. Based on real-time analytical data, projected scheme select the paramount probable end-to-end security system possibility that ties with an agreed set of node constraints. The paper achieves its goals by recognizing some gaps in the security explicit to node subclass that is vital to our system’s operations.


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