Visual Depth Perception of 3D CAD Models in Desktop and Immersive Virtual Environments


  • Florin Gí®rbacia Transilvania University of Brasov
  • Andreea Beraru Transilvania University of Brasov
  • Doru Talabă Transilvania University of Brasov
  • Gheorghe Mogan Transilvania University of Brasov


virtual reality, computer aided design, immersive 3D systems


In this paper is presented an experimental study that aims to compare the depth perception of virtual prototypes in immersive virtual environments with the depth perception of CAD models using 2D LCD display. First, a multipurpose solution of a large-scale interactive multi wall projected virtual environment named Holo-CAVE is described and then the conducted experiments are presented. The experiments carried out highlight that perceived depth values estimated for virtual prototypes are significantly influenced by the 3D stereoscopic visualization. Another interesting result of the study is that the estimated depth accuracy increases with the depth size that has to be perceived. The results of experimental study illustrate that the use of immersive stereoscopic visualization is useful during Computer Aided Design related activities.

Author Biography

Florin Gí®rbacia, Transilvania University of Brasov

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


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