
  • Gina Negruţ Faculty of Law
  • Adriana Stancu “Dunărea” University of Galaţi, Galaţi, Romania



criminal liability, sanctions, legal person, natural person


In the context of the changes occurred in the international legislation, under the
circumstances of the necessity of amortize the penal legislation with the provisions of the
European legislation concerning the corruption, Romania made efforts in adopting the Law
no. 70/2000, regarding the prevention, identification and retribution of corruption deeds1
with the aim of counteracting the illicit activity of some category of persons who, using the
positions and attributions which they should carry on, broke the law with the aim of gaining,
for them or for other persons, money, goods, and other material benefits. In this context it
becomes necessary to analyze the opportunity of incriminating the corruption deeds
committed by the legal person as an active topic of these categories of infractions.

Author Biographies

Gina Negruţ, Faculty of Law

“Alexandru Ioan Cuza†Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania

Adriana Stancu, “Dunărea” University of Galaţi, Galaţi, Romania

Legal Faculty of Social and Political


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