
  • Aurora-Elena Gavriș Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Sociology and Social Work Department, University of Oradea


Judicial issues in human trafficking suppose with priority a unified approached of the phenomenon both point of view theoretical and practical. So must be cumulatively-fulfilled conditions related to the identity or similarity of criminalitations and the correspondent of procedures. National/Romanian — intern normative acts are governed by Law no. 302/2004 on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters republished in 20111 and the management of issues at the international level requires agreement documents, covenants, treaties and international conventions — at the international universal level mention the United Nations Organisation Convention on transnational organized crime, opened for signature in Palermo - Italy on December 12, 2000 and the two additional Protocols (Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, women and children and Protocol against migrants trafficking by land, sea and air) and also at the international regional level the Council of Europe Convention on action against trafficking in human beings — Warsaw, May 16, 2005.



Udroiu, M. (2015), Procedură penală. Partea specială, Second ed, â€C.H. Beck†Publishing House, Bucharest;

Iancu Elena-Ana, (2012), Metodologia investigării infracÈ›iunilor, â€Pro Universitaria†Publishing House, Bucharest;

Iancu, N., (2013) Migrația internațională a forței de muncă. Considerații teoretice și repere economice ale fenomenului migraționist,†Pro Universitaria†Publishing House, Bucharest;

Law no. 302/2004 regarding judicial cooperation in penal matters, actualized, published in Official Gazette of Romania, no. 377/31.05.2011;

Published in Official Gazette of Romania, no. 783/11.12.2001, modified by Law no. 230/2010 published in Official Gazette of Romania, no. 812/06.05.2010 modified by G.E.O. (O.U.G.) no. 41/2011 published in Official Gazette of Romania, no. 304/03.05.2011;

Romanian Constitution, published in Official Gazette of Romania, no. 767/31.10.2003. Romanian Constitution is republished form of 1991 Romanian Constitution, updated names and renumbering articles, reviewed through Law no. 429/2003, approved by national referendum of 28-19.10.2003, confirmed through by Romanian Constitutional Court Decision no. 3/22.10.2003;

Law no. 565/2002 published in Official Gazette of Romania, no. 813/8.11.2002 for ratification U.N.O. Convention on Transnational Organized Crime and the two Additional Protocols Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Women and Children and Protocol Against Trafficking of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, adopted at New York at 15.11.2000;;

European Council Framework-Decision on the European Arrest Warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States of the European Union, from 13 June 2002, 2002/584/JAI - available at;

Guidelines on eradicating impunity for serious human rights violations, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, on 30 March 2011 at the 1110th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies, available at





